最佳20首乡村福音歌曲 Red Foley With The Sunshine Boys - Peace In the Valley
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Well I'm tired and so weary,But I must go along, till the Lord comes and calls.Calls me away, oh yeah.Where the morning's so bright.And the Lamb is the light.And the night, night is as black as the sea. Oh yeahThere will be peace in the valley, for me someday.There will be peace in th valley for me, Oh Lord I pray.There'll be no sadness, no sorrow, no trouble, trouble I see.There will be peace in the valley for me.Well the bear will be gentle, and the wolves will be tame.And the lion shall lay down by the lamb. Oh yeahAnd the beast from the wild, shall be led by a child..And I'll be changed, changed from this creatureThat I am, oh yeah.There will be peace in the valley for me someday.There will be peace in the valley for me. Oh Lord I pray.There'll be no sadness, no sorrow, no trouble, trouble I see.There will be peace in the valley for me....for me.



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