All We Like Sheep Be Strong And Take Courage
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刚强,不要惧怕 Be strong and take courage 刚强,不要惧怕,你要壮胆不沮丧,因为主必与你同在,祂必光照你的路,刚强,不要惧怕,你要壮胆不沮丧,因为那在你里面的主,今日能使你刚强, 将你的惧怕全交给祂,让祂来擦乾你一切眼泪, 祂知因祂曾经历过,祂知道你心深处所盼望。 你在祂手中必不遭害,你已有权柄能战胜仇敌, 深知祂必与你同在,祂的爱,祂的能力释放你。 Be strong and take courageDo not fear or be dismayedFor the Lord will go before youAnd His light will show the way Be strong and take courageDo not fear or be dismayedFor the One who lives within youWill be strong in you today Why don't you give Him all your fearsWhy don't you let Him wipe all of your tearsHe knows, He's been through pain beforeAnd He knows all that you've been looking for So, be strong and take courageDo not fear or be dismayedFor the Lord will go before youAnd His light will show the way Be strong and take courageDo not fear or be dismayedFor the One who lives within youWill be strong in you today Nothing can take you out of His handNothing can face you that you can't commandI know that you will always beIn His love, in His power you will be free. So, be strong and take courageDo not fear or be dismayedFor the Lord will go before youAnd His light will show the way Be strong and take courageDo not fear or be dismayedFor the One who lives within youWill be strong in you today.



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