曲词:周敏曦编曲:周淦棪主唱:周敏曦、许润隆、杨凯嬅[副]我灵高唱,赞颂你那伟大权能除罪困,常护荫,从未变更我灵欢欣,就算星空中我是微尘仍然为你高唱乐韵[正]赞美我上帝恩主,全地也要齐拍手欢呼惊叹各国各族也高歌,全力赞美传颂你伟大救恩 (x1 or x2)看!那夜空广阔,星闪照主奥妙万有宇宙满上帝足印,你却降世成就救恩[Bridge]Praise Ye the Lord, Hallelujah!Praise Ye the Lord, Hallelujah!Praise Ye the Lord, Hallelujah!Praise Ye the Lord!Praise Ye the Lord, Hallelujah!Praise Ye the Lord, Hallelujah!Praise Ye the Lord, Hallelujah!Praise Ye the Lord!Praise Ye the Lord, Hallelujah!Praise Ye the Lord, Hallelujah!Praise Ye the Lord, Hallelujah!Praise! Praise! Praise! Praise![尾]仍然为你高唱乐韵,仍然为你高唱乐韵Praise Ye the Lord!