启程·跟随 我要为你唱歌
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词曲唱、和声:佳偶制作人、编曲、键盘、录音师:费华为吉他:小猛贝司:王伟录音室、混音室:The One Studio混音师:姚海毅离开你我不过 是撒在路旁的一粒种子 没有土壤Without You I just the seed sown along the path, with no soil谢谢你给了我 一副歌喉一个愿意的心 唱你喜悦的歌Thank You for giving me a voice and a willing heart, to sing the songs pleasing You唱赞美你的歌 Sing the songs praising You在歌声中流通我们的爱 用生命敬拜你In the songs, we express our love to You, worship You with our lives唱安慰你的歌 Sing the songs comforting You美妙的旋律把救恩和能力 带给你的子民 Beautiful melody brings Your salvation and might to Your people我要为你唱歌 勇敢唱一首新歌I want to sing for You, bravely sing a new song生命 因你精彩 为你绽放Because of you, life becomes wonderful, shining for You如蜡熔化 只为你的荣耀 As wax, melts for You, glory to You alone 我要为你唱歌 唱宣告胜利的歌I want to sing for You, sing the songs declaring victory 不再退缩 隐藏 冠冕堂皇 No retreat or hide, making up grand excuses 深切的爱意 在歌声里Deep love is flowing in the songs唱我爱者的歌 我要为我所亲爱的唱歌 随着琴瑟Sing the songs of my loved One, I want to sing for my dear, with instruments唱爱我者的歌 无论白天黑夜或是黄昏 不停止地唱歌Sing the songs for who loves me, whether it is day or night or evening, keep singing真心一同唱歌 甚至种子也欢呼喜乐 述说你的奇特Sing together sincerely, even the seeds jump for joy, expressing Your wonders我要为你唱歌 生命成为一道歌声的河 你出口的角色I want to sing for You, life becomes a river of singing, playing the role of praising You别叫我的心麻木 别允许我的爱迟钝 Don't make my heart be numb, don't allow my love to be dull宝血洁净我的眼泪 洁净我的灵魂The precious Blood cleanses my tears, cleanses my soul永远只为你唱歌 Only sing for You forever圣天飞歌中国原创福音音乐工作室联系微信:jiaou333微信公众平台:圣天飞歌(可直接搜索)或添加:shengtianfeige_hymn 网站:www.singforlord.com邮箱:shengtianfeige@sina.com电话:010-64775702,15810600627QQ:2641155713



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