启程·跟随 蒙福的身体
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词唱:佳偶作曲、编曲、和声:曹龙一吉他:王伟贝司、录音师:费华为主耶稣The Lord Jesus求你赐我Please give me看见真理的眼睛The eyes to see the truth听圣灵的耳朵The ears to listen to the Holy Spirit呼吸生命气息的鼻子The nose to breathe the breath of life赞美的嘴巴The praising mouth喜乐的脸The joyful face顺服的颈项The obedient neck谦卑的心The humble heart柔和的性情The gentle character举起祷告的双手Lift up the hands to pray 为义争战的指头The fingers to fight for righteousness 昂首仰望的胸膛Look upon God with head held high舍己背负的肩膀The shoulders to carry sacrificially 屈跪敬拜的双膝The knees to bend and worship稳稳站立的双腿The legs to stand firmly快跑跟随的脚步The feet to run quickly and follow 佳美行走的脚踪The beautiful footsteps to walk圣天飞歌中国原创福音音乐工作室联系微信:jiaou333微信公众平台:圣天飞歌(可直接搜索)或添加:shengtianfeige_hymn 网站:www.singforlord.com邮箱:shengtianfeige@sina.com电话:010-64775702,15810600627QQ:2641155713



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